Be Like Tom

Fundraising for public defibrillators throughout the local area

About us

In memory of our beloved Tom we are raising funds to place lifesaving defibrillators accessible to the public in the local community.

Our aim is to raise enough money to for 35 new publicly accessible defibrillators – one for each year of Tom’s life.

If you’d like to find out more please contact us at



Location of Defibrillators

Defibrillator #1

Defibrillator #2

Defibrillator #3

Defibrillator #4

Defibrillator #5

Defibrillator #6

Defibrillator #7

Defibrillator #8

Defibrillator #9

Defibrillator #10

Defibrillator #11

Defibrillator #12

Defibrillator #13

Defibrillator #14

Defibrillator #15

Defibrillator #16

Defibrillator #17

Thank You

Throughout these last brutal few months the Sievert family and friends have been comforted by the kind words, generosity and friendship offered by so many people. There have been acts of kindness from strangers and support from so many others. Thank you...

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Here’s a small selection of the t-shirts available, designed by Tom’s brother Rob.

£12.50 for Adults and £8 for children’s sizes. Wrist bands are £2.

Custom designs are £20 for t-shirts and £40 for hoodies.

Contact us at to place an order