Be Like Tom
Fundraising for public defibrillators throughout the local area

About us
In memory of our beloved Tom we are raising funds to place lifesaving defibrillators accessible to the public in the local community.
Our aim is to raise enough money to for 35 new publicly accessible defibrillators – one for each year of Tom’s life.
If you’d like to find out more please contact us at
Location of Defibrillators
Defibrillator #1
Defibrillator #2
Defibrillator #3
Defibrillator #4
Defibrillator #5
Defibrillator #6
Defibrillator #7
Defibrillator #8
Defibrillator #9
Defibrillator #10
Defibrillator #11
Defibrillator #12
Defibrillator #13
Defibrillator #14
Defibrillator #15
Defibrillator #16
Defibrillator #17
July Updates
This month we placed Defib number 32 at Galley hill in Guisbrough. We have three more on order to bring our total to 35, the number we initially aimed for and we’ve almost succeeded.It makes our hearts sing when we see them around in the community and know that Tom’s...
The Big Chop
The lovely Jamie Jones has once again decided to cut his hair to donate to charity to make a beautiful blond wig for some lucky person out there, this year I (Lucy) have decided to join him in donating my hair also. Jamie will face ‘the big chop’ in mid-December when...
December Updates
And so another year is almost over… time flies! Our 29th Defib has been delivered and will be online soon. The way they are managed has changed this year with all defibs now registered on a National database, which, in theory should make everything easier…. Once...
July 2021 Updates
The collapse of Christian Eriksen three weeks ago on the football pitch brought back the horrors of what happened to Tom four years ago. We were transported back into a terrible situation along with many others and could only stand by observe and hope. Whilst...
October Updates
It’s been ages since I last posted anything, how the world has changed. We know to our cost that the world can change in the blink of an eye and you end up travelling in directions that you could never imagine before. Plans made for 2020 have been put on hold. So many...
Here’s a small selection of the t-shirts available, designed by Tom’s brother Rob.
£12.50 for Adults and £8 for children’s sizes. Wrist bands are £2.
Custom designs are £20 for t-shirts and £40 for hoodies.
Contact us at to place an order